How much do you know about youth homelessness in Australia?

Take our quiz to find out.

Society’s understanding of homelessness is surrounded by myths and misconceptions, and young people’s experiences are often overlooked.

Rates of homelessness among Australians aged 12-24 are increasing, with many young people finding shelter on couches and in cars and overcrowded houses.

This Youth Homelessness Matters Day, it’s more important than ever to understand the reality of the problem that young people in our community are facing.

Test your knowledge of youth homelessness by taking our quiz below.


#1. How many young people were reported to be homeless last year in Australia?

#2. What is the main reason that young people are forced into homelessness?

#3. What percentage of homeless young people are experiencing mental health issues?

#4. Alex has been sleeping in her car for three nights. Why will it be difficult for Alex to find employment?

#5. The majority of homeless young people are sleeping rough.

#6. How much money does youth homelessness cost Australia’s youth justice and health sectors every year?

#7. What is the fastest growing cause of homelessness in Australia?

#8. Harley is couch surfing at a house that belongs to her friend, Mike. What are some of the dangers associated with Harley’s situation?


Learn more about youth homelessness in Australia, and help us call on the Federal Government to develop a National Child and Youth Homelessness and Housing Strategy by signing the petition today.

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