Sponsorship & mentoring opportunities

Becoming a scholarship sponsor or mentor is a simple but impactful way to support young people in need. Read on for current sponsorship and mentoring opportunities at Youth Off The Streets.

Teenage girl sitting at desk and holding pen

Our National Scholarship Program

Established by Father Chris Riley in 2004, the National Scholarship Program celebrates the talents and strengths of young people who show extraordinary promise but lack the support and resources to fulfil their potential.

Every year, over 20 young people from across Australia are awarded a Youth Off The Streets scholarship to pursue further education or training. In addition, each recipient receives an individual mentor who provides guidance and support during their scholarship.

Financial assistance from generous corporate and individual sponsors gives these promising students the opportunity to take their education to the next level, achieve their goals and build a better future for themselves.

How sponsorship helps young people

  • Your financial assistance will help a young person cover the costs of approved educational course fees and equipment, uniforms and educational resources over two years
  • Each young person in the program is connected with a professional mentor who provides dedicated guidance, advice and support throughout their studies. This gives the young person the best possible chance of success
  • Dedicated staff from Youth Off The Streets support all participants throughout the program

What our sponsors receive

  • A profile completed by your student to introduce themselves and share more information about their interests, hobbies and career goals
  • Twice-yearly reports on your student’s progress and personal development
  • An invitation to the National Scholarship Awards Ceremony

For more information about sponsoring a scholarship, please email scholarships@youthoffthestreets.com.au.


Youth Off The Streets supports young people to overcome personal hardship, develop new skills and turn their lives around. By volunteering to be a mentor, you can assist these young people to build a positive future for themselves.

Youth Off The Streets is currently operating three mentoring schemes: the general program, the iDrive program and the National Scholarship Program.

General program mentors

The general program matches a young person currently engaged with a Youth Off The Streets service – including our independent high schools – with a mentor. Mentors provide their mentees with positive, non-judgmental guidance and support to enable them to develop their talents, life skills and achieve their goals. Mentors empower and encourage the young person to develop support networks and make safe choices.

iDrive program mentors

The iDrive program connects young people with supervising drivers who can enhance their self-confidence and help them to obtain the 120 hours of experience required to sit for a provisional driver license. Mentors should be patient, encouraging and hold a current driver license. They will receive training and support from Youth Off The Streets before commencing the program, as well as access to a program car, petrol and insurance.

iDrive operates mainly in the Merrylands and Marrickville areas, but expands to Redfern, Maroubra and Blacktown when there is demand from the young people we support.

National Scholarship Program mentors

National Scholarship Award recipients are paired with mentors who supply professional wisdom and emotional support throughout the scholarship journey. As students from across Australia are enrolled in the program, regular meetings between mentor and mentee can take place in person or virtually.

Depending on the program, mentors are expected to make a one to two-hour commitment per fortnight for one to two years. All potential mentors will be screened through an interview process, are required to undertake training and must possess a National Police Certificate and Working with Children Check.

For more information about our mentoring programs, please email mentoring@youthoffthestreets.com.au.

Support a student to reach their potential

If you’re interested in sponsoring a student on behalf of your organisation, please email our Corporate Partnerships team



If you’re an individual supporter keen to find out more about the program, please email our Scholarships team

