Our governance
Youth Off The Streets is a company limited by guarantee, incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001. Ultimate responsibility for the governance of the company rests with the Board of Directors.

Governance statement
The Board recognises the importance of good corporate governance and achieving accountability of the Board and management.
We are committed to ensuring that all contributions to our mission are used in the best possible way, and that we meet all the relevant regulations and standards that guide good governance.
The role of the Board
Our Board of Directors is our governing body and is committed to acting in the best interests of the company and protecting the assets and interests of Youth Off The Streets by promoting our objectives as identified in our constitution, mission and strategic plan.
The principle responsibilities of our Board are:
- charting the strategic and financial objectives for the company and monitoring the implementation of those objectives; and
- monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical standards.
Board charter
The Board has developed a charter to provide a framework for the effective operation of the Board. The charter addresses the following matters:
- Responsibilities of the Board
- Relationship between the Board and management
- Board membership
- Independence of Directors
- Non-Executive Directors
- Board meetings
- Board committees
- Performance of the Board
- Conflicts of interest
- Retirement from the Board
- Outside directorships
- Code of conduct
- Induction procedures and continuing education
- Access to the company secretary and employees
- Confidentiality
- Review of Board charter
- Access by Directors to independent advice
- Request for additional information
Our annual and financial reports
These reports provide a comprehensive overview of our annual activities and a summary of key statistics and financial results.