News & events
Read our latest stories and find out about upcoming events.
Crisis averted
Find out how Youth Off The Streets’ refuges assist young people to obtain safe and stable housing, learn new skills and take steps towards a positive future.
“For the first time, I’ve finished what I’ve started”
Students enrolled in Youth Off The Streets’ SOLAR Program are honing their soft skills – alongside their artistic ones.
Taj’s wildest dreams come true
After enrolling at Chapel School, Taj has re-engaged with his education and discovered his passion for zookeeping.
Meet Betty, a Youth Off The Streets school volunteer
In a decade volunteering at a Youth Off The Streets school, 81-year-old Betty has become a beloved friend to the students. Betty and School Manager Jo share how she makes a positive difference.
Going the distance
Meet Anthony and Jonny – two talented student athletes who made us proud at the recent regional AICES athletics championships.
How woodworking helps young people carve their own path
New woodworking classes in Youth Off The Streets’ SOLAR Program help students learn practical skills from positive role models.
Join the Resilience Ride and pedal for a purpose!
Get your cycling crew together and take on a three-day cycling challenge in Orange, NSW.
Register for the 15-17 May via the official Resilience Ride website.