News & events
Read our latest stories and find out about upcoming events.
“I belong in places where I can thrive”
Our independent high schools work hard to ensure that young people disconnected from mainstream education don’t fall through the gaps.
“Community has always been the heart of Wenty Leagues”
With one week to go before Carols on Ringrose, we sat down with Wenty Leagues CEO Glenn Kovacs to learn more about the event and its history.
“Young people need to feel safety and trust to disclose”
How can we talk to young people about domestic, family and sexual violence? Youth Off The Streets’ Kylie Sharp takes us through the approach of our training program, Safe Conversations.
“I couldn’t tell them what was going on”
Yousef’s story illustrates why young people from diverse cultural backgrounds are overrepresented in the youth justice system.
“Not everyone who does something wrong needs to go to jail”
Yousef was only 14 when he was forced into youth detention. Now, he is struggling to rebuild his life on the outside.
A new beginning
Sunrise is pursuing her passion for music with support from the National Scholarship Program and Talent Development Project.
Join the Resilience Ride and pedal for a purpose!
Get your cycling crew together and take on a three-day cycling challenge in Orange, NSW.
Register for the 15-17 May via the official Resilience Ride website.