Gifts in memory or celebration
Make a gift in memory of a loved one or ask your friends and family to make a donation in celebration of you.

Celebrate and honour the life of a loved one or turn your special occasion into an opportunity to support young people in need.
By making a donation in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a life milestone such as a birthday or wedding, you can help Youth Off The Streets to:
- Provide crisis accommodation and housing support to young people experiencing homelessness
- Offer counselling at our Dunlea Alcohol and Other Drugs Youth Service
- Deliver youth justice support including specialist casework, diversion programs and therapeutic pathways
- Ensure our Street Walk and Food Van services can continue long into the future
You’ll find more information about making a donation or organising funeral collections below.
Gifts in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasions
You can make an online donation here. This gift can be made at any time – either as a one-off gift or a monthly donation to support at-risk children and young people.
If you prefer to send a cheque, please contact Donor Relations on (02) 9330 3500 for more information.
Envelopes for a funeral or memorial service
If you would like to request envelopes for your loved one’s service, please contact our staff prior to the ceremony. We will forward them to you or your funeral director.
Please contact us on (02) 9330 3500 or at
Want to find out more about making a memorial or celebration gift?
9am – 5pm
(02) 9330 3500