Youth justice support
We provide intensive one-on-one support and services to children and young people involved with or at risk of being involved with the justice system.

We understand that children and young people involved with the justice system have different and complex needs, so we put them at the centre of our approach to providing support.
What we offer
- Specialist casework that provides young people with social support and referrals to a range of services including legal support, accommodation, alcohol and other drugs services, education and employment, financial assistance and counselling
- Diversion programs to avoid involvement with the justice system
- Access to therapeutic pathways and outcomes through youth justice conferencing and Koori Court
- Bail, prison pre-release and prison post-release support to help young people access housing, income, employment, education, therapeutic living skills and diversionary programs to get them back on their feet and avoid the cycle of reoffending
- A court support program to help young people navigate the legal system. Our trained workers provide advocacy and assistance, which includes attending court appearances and ensuring young people have access to appropriate legal support
- Setting up Work and Development Orders (WDOs), which help young people clear unpaid fines with approved activities instead of money
Find out more
Contact us for more information about youth justice support