First Nations cultural support services

We work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in a safe, welcoming and culturally inclusive way.

Our Cultural Support team works with every area of Youth Off The Streets to ensure the rights and needs of young people from diverse cultural backgrounds are reflected in all of our services and programs.

What we offer

  • Traditional mentoring and personal development programs for young people, that are community-led and encompass family.
  • Interpreters and/or cultural consultants to ensure appropriate communication
  • Individual cultural mapping assessments
  • Cultural casework support to meet the individual cultural needs of young people and strengthen their cultural identity
  • Family-inclusive case management that involves young people and families in designing a cultural plan that fits their needs
  • Family-centred yarning circles that engage First Nations young people, their family and Elders to solve problems and make positive change
  • An IPS Aboriginal Symptom Checklist, a culturally and scientifically validated test developed uniquely for Aboriginal people. This test screens for levels of risk for depression, suicide, alcohol and drug disorders, impulse control and anxiety, as well as providing measures of cultural resilience
  • Access to our Aboriginal Education program
  • Culturally appropriate referrals to other services including health, education, housing, family finding, Aboriginal counselling, employment services and more
  • Programming opportunities for social participation and cultural connection including recreational activities, sport, language, dance and music

Find out more

Contact us for more information about First Nations cultural support


9am โ€“ 5pm

(02) 9330 3531

