Walking Together
Available until 2023, this program offered people from all cultural backgrounds the tools to walk with First Nations Australians in unity.

This program consisted of three core workshops and training programs using the Uluru Statement from the Heart as the framework.
Please note Walking Together workshops are no longer available.
Developed and facilitated by Youth Off The Streets’ Nicole Laupepa and Jacqui Parker – First Nations and non-Indigenous trainers respectively – Walking Together enabled and empowered the wider community to take positive action towards a fairer and more just Australia.
What was offered
Educational workshop
In this half-day workshop, participants gained a deeper understanding of who we are as a nation and how to take meaningful action towards reconciliation. The content covered the importance of a Voice to Parliament, how individuals and organisations can play a role in ensuring it is established, and why reconciliation is an ongoing journey that requires action from us all.
The program looked at:
- The invitation to all Australians in the Uluru Statement from the Heart
- The importance of Voice, Treaty and Truth
- A Voice to Parliament – to the referendum and beyond
- The concept of ‘Makarrata’
- Accepting the invitation in the Uluru Statement with purposeful advocacy that advances reconciliation in Australia
‘Train the trainer’ program
This half-day workshop was aimed at participants who have completed the Walking Together educational workshop and wished to become a trainer/presenter of a one-hour introduction to the Uluru Statement and Voice to Parliament.
Trainees were provided with resources and support to facilitate educational sessions within their own networks and communities. The program developed participants’ key skills and knowledge to establish proactive community initiatives to ensure Australia votes ‘yes’ in the future referendum on the Voice to Parliament.
Community of practice
We’re building a strong network of people who are educated on the Uluru Statement and Voice to Parliament.
Over 1,000 people from universities, community and faith-based organisations have attended the Walking Together workshops or completed the ‘Train the trainer’ program.
All Walking Together presenters had the opportunity to gather fortnightly to collaborate and receive guidance and resources to build knowledge, facilitation skills, advocacy and community engagement.
What people are saying about Walking Together
“I’m glad my organisation is taking responsibility and progressing in its cultural responsibility.”
“Hearing the different experiences between non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal teachers was really interesting. I also enjoyed learning that the invitation in the Uluru Statement is for everyone.”
“I loved that the workshop was so inclusive. The exploitation of one group is the exploitation of us all.”
“I loved hearing the mix of personal experience and history of First Nations people. I left feeling moved emotionally and so informed on how to take practical steps towards reconciliation”.
Contact us
For further information, please email WalkingTogether@youthoffthestreets.com.au.
Join our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/walkingtogetherproject.