No child or young person should be forgotten during the holidays

Olivia was just 16 when she was forced into homelessness after years of abuse at home.
Almost 40,000 young Australians, just like Olivia, face Christmas alone and without a home every year.
With no Christmas tree to decorate, no family lunch to enjoy, and no presents to unwrap, many young people – like 16-year-old Olivia – spend the day looking for a safe place to sleep, not knowing where their next meal is coming from. No young person deserves this.
A gift from you today can provide a lifeline to young people like Olivia.
Please give today to provide children and young people with the essentials they need immediately after leaving a violent home – food, clothing and a safe place to sleep.
Your gift can also offer the care and support they need to recover from the trauma they’ve endured and move forward with their lives in safety, including essential casework support, long-term housing assistance and access to education.
Show young people who have been forced into homelessness that they are not forgotten – give today.
Thank you for making a difference
As Youth Off The Streets’ Founder, Father Chris Riley, once said:
“I am proud that we are an organisation that will never give up. We will never stop advocating for youth and we will never stop offering our nation’s most vulnerable the chance for a brighter future.”
Thank you for donating to help young Australians recover from trauma, break the cycle of disadvantage and build a better future for themselves.

Other ways to give
There are many ways you can help young Australians in need.