Current volunteer opportunities

Help young people achieve their full potential!
At Youth Off The Streets, we offer various opportunities to volunteers who want to support our schools and services and make a positive difference in young people’s lives.
Current openings for volunteering and student placement positions are listed below.
Please fill in the form that corresponds with the opportunity for which you are applying. If you are applying for multiple opportunities, you will need to submit multiple forms.
School sports and fitness volunteers
Share your passion for sports with young people attending our high schools in Maroubra or Redfern.
If you have a background in fitness, and are interested in leading small groups, this is a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people.
Time commitment: Once a week for a school term (8-10 weeks).
Probity checks required: Working with Children Check (WWCC), Police Check and Volunteer Induction Training
Food preparation at our high schools
Assist with making healthy, nutritious meals for students at one of our high schools.
Where: EDEN College at Macquarie Fields OR Craig Davis College at Cordeaux Heights.
When: One day a week, except Wednesday, from 9am to 11am during school terms (EDEN College), one day a week from 9am to 11am during school terms (Craig Davis College)
Position description:
- As a food preparation volunteer, you will assist with the preparation of nutritious meals for high school students.
- All the ingredients are provided, but we need your creativity.
- If you choose to volunteer at Craig Davis College, you may be assisted by a youth worker and/or a young person.
- Full training is provided.
- Please note that you must be over 18 years of age to volunteer for this opportunity.
Probity checks required: Working with Children Check (WWCC), Police Check and Volunteer Induction Training
iDrive mentor
Assist our students who are on their Learner’s licences by developing their driving skills.
- The Lakes College, Blue Haven
- Chapel School, Merrylands
- EDEN College and SOLAR Program, Macquarie Fields
When: Weekly, for approximately 1 or 2 hours.
Position description:
- As an iDrive mentor volunteer, you will assist our students on their Learner’s licences to develop their driving skills and gain hours for their logbook.
- We provide the car, which is fully insured, along with fuel.
- The young people will have completed at least five professional driving lessons before undertaking this program with you.
- Training is provided.
- Please note that you must be over 25 years of age to volunteer for this opportunity.
Probity checks required: Working with Children Check (WWCC), Police Check, Reference Check and Volunteer Induction Training.
We need your passion and green thumb to bring EDEN College’s gardens to life.
Where: EDEN College, Macquarie Fields
When: Flexible hours; between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. No weekends.
Position description:
As our Gardener, your regular activities include weeding, pruning, planting, machine use (whipper snipper, mower, edge trimmer, etc.), sweeping paths, cleaning, general repairs and ad hoc duties as required.
All necessary equipment is supplied.
Probity checks required: Working with Children Check (WWCC), Police Check and Volunteer Induction Training.